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Con Duel Decks i giocatori potranno scendere subito in campo grazie a mazzi da 60 carte pronti per essere usati che includono carte potenti legate da una tematica comune.
I complotti deliberati della mente riusciranno ad avere la meglio o trionferà la forza bruta allo stato puro?
Duel Decks are a great way for two players to battle against each other with ready-to-play, sixty-card decks that showcase cards from across Magic's history, including two premium Planeswalker cards with new artwork and four other cards with new artwork.
Duel Decks are a great way for two players to experience the thrill of Magic: The Gathering by facing off against each other with ready-to-play 60-card decks.
Global Series: Jiang Yanggu vs. Mu Yanlingcontiene due mazzi da 60 carte con due nuovi Planeswalker, oltre a carte inedite con tematica incentrata su di loro e sulla relativa storia.
2 ready-to-play 60-card decks 2 deck boxes 2 creature tokens Strategy insert Quick reference guide