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Most tokens double-sided: Damage counter [1/3] and [5/10] with different...
Informationen zur Vorbestellung: Dieses Produkt kann während unserer...
Get your hands on 10 cute-as-a-button “chibi” variant arts of popular...
Total 245 types: 105 types (Normal) +...
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Monolithic megacorps and individualistic netrunners collide in a dystopian future. Set in the gritty, cyberpunk future of Android, Android: Netrunner is a two-player Living Card Game™ that rewards skill, strategy, and just the right amount of calculated risk.
Nicht auf LagerData and Destiny is the fourth deluxe expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game, focusing on media giant NBN and three groundbreaking Runners.
Nicht auf LagerKala Ghoda is the first Data Pack in the Mumbad Cycle for Android: Netrunner, which introduces players to the future of the Indian Union, the planet's most populous democracy and generally a hopeful, dynamic place.
Nicht auf LagerElection Day is here in Fear the Masses, the sixth and final Data Pack in the Mumbad Cycle forAndroid: Netrunner! After the Indian Union's election cycle has hinged upon heated debates over clone rights, the election's final events will carry forward for many generations…
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