Sale! Council of 12 - GEBRAUCHT Vergrößern

Council of 12 - GEBRAUCHT

Einige Informationen

  • Spieler: 2-4
  • Spieldauer: 20-30 Min
  • Alter: 10+

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Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

  • Priority: 03.05.2024
  • Economy: 06.05.2024

9.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

-15.00 CHF

24.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

Auf meine Wunschliste

Technische Daten

Verleger Lucky Duck Games
Thema Fantasy
Spielfamilie Council of 12
Produkttyp Brettspiel

Mehr Infos

GEBRAUCHT: Das Spiel wurde einmal gespielt, alle Elemente wurden weggeräumt und sind bereit für ein neues Spiel. Alle Chips, das Handbuch und die anderen Elemente sind vorhanden und in gutem Zustand.

Die Rückseite der Box ist etwas beschädigt.

The twelve-sided stones of power are acting strange, appearing all over the 12 Kingdoms and causing chaos everywhere! You are the members of the King's council and it is your job to solve all these problems. But behind the scenes a greater danger looms: The Royal Stone of Power is slowly leeching its owner of their life force...

Council of 12 is a game for 2 to 4 players of age 10 and up. It is the sequel to the acclaimed and successful "King of 12", Unlike its sister game, Council of 12 is completely cooperative with an adjustable level of difficulty. Here, the aim is to communally manipulate the central d12 according to the requirements of the cards at hand. Council of 12 is completely self-contained, but builds on the popular core elements of King of 12. Characters are played and negated again and dice are manipulated.

The game includes many different challenges to overcome, as well as an ever-changing selection of characters who will help you do so. Either let chance decide the composition of the Challenge deck, or else tailor it to your desired level of difficulty in your quest for the ultimate high score.

Cooperative: You play your cards face-down. If you manage to correctly guess what cards your team mates will play, this will help you greatly when solving the puzzle posed by the challenge at hand. But even if things don't go as planned, you will often still have a chance to master the challenge – provided you manage to spot it!

If you survive 7 challenges can you face your final task - securing the line of succession by forging an agreement among all the players.

Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

Priority 03.05.2024
Economy 06.05.2024
Terms Falls bis heute 16:00 Uhr bestellt (Bestellungen mit Einzelkarten können einen zusätzlichen Tag dauern).


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Council of 12 - GEBRAUCHT

Council of 12 - GEBRAUCHT

  • Spieler: 2-4
  • Spieldauer: 20-30 Min
  • Alter: 10+