Sale! Kharnage - GEBRAUCHT Vergrößern

Kharnage - GEBRAUCHT

Einige Informationen

  • Spieler: 3-5
  • Spieldauer: 120-180 Min
  • Alter: 16+

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Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

  • Priority: 06.05.2024
  • Economy: 07.05.2024

9.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

-15.00 CHF

24.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

Auf meine Wunschliste

Technische Daten

Verleger Devil Pig Games
Thema Fantasy
Spielfamilie Kharnage
Produkttyp Brettspiel

Mehr Infos

GEBRAUCHT: Das Spiel wurde einmal gespielt, alle Elemente wurden weggeräumt und sind bereit für ein neues Spiel. Alle Chips, das Handbuch und die anderen Elemente sind vorhanden und in gutem Zustand.

Kharnage is a fast and fun fighting game in a med-fan world in which you are the warchief of the mighty humans, the strong (and alcoholic) dwarves, the amazing horde of goblins, or the ferocious orcs (and their giant!). Your goal in Kharnage is to take control of something strategically essential, astoundingly beautiful, and envy of all other nations: a hill. Yes, just a hill. Admittedly, it is a nice hill. It may have a very commanding view of the surroundings, or it may not. You won't know until you get up there! To do so, you're going to have to drive off the armies of the other players by simply causing as much mayhem and bloodshed as possible.

Each turn, you choose one battle card. The player with the lowest initiative value begins and:

  • Deploys new units and applies skills if needed, or
  • Attacks (shoot or assault) one opponent with all points, or two opponents by dividing their points.

The next player then begins their turn, doing the same. After all players have taken their turn, the player who destroyed the largest number of units wins 5 domination points, the second 3 domination points, and the third 1 domination point. The last one has only their eyes for crying.

Each time a player totally destroys an opponent army, they must yell "KHARNAGE!", loud and clear, and stomp the table. They then take a Kharnage token worth 1 domination point. The other players must cheer them on by yelling "YEAH!"; if not, they lose a Kharnage token if they have one.

After four rounds, the warchief with the most domination points wins!

Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

Priority 06.05.2024
Economy 07.05.2024
Terms Falls bis heute 16:00 Uhr bestellt (Bestellungen mit Einzelkarten können einen zusätzlichen Tag dauern).


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Kharnage - GEBRAUCHT

Kharnage - GEBRAUCHT

  • Spieler: 3-5
  • Spieldauer: 120-180 Min
  • Alter: 16+