Sale! Yu-Gi-Oh! - Card Case - Jaden and Yubel Vergrößern

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Card Case - Jaden and Yubel


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This official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Case is large enough to hold a Duelist’s Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck. Each Card Case is made from durable material, includes a card divider, and comes with a sturdy closure to ensure your cards, like Phantom of Yubel from Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, will stay protected inside. Keep your Deck safe and get ready to Duel!

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4.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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Technische Daten

Hersteller Konami
Kollection Jaden and Yubel
Zubehörtyp Deckboxen
Zubehörfarbe Rot
Deckboxtyp Illustriert
Spielfamilie Yu-Gi-Oh!
Produkttyp Zubehör

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The celebrations for the 25th Anniversary of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game continue with the Jaden & Yubel Card Case for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME!

Protect your Deck with the perfect Card Case featuring brand-new dynamic artwork of Jaden Yuki from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX along with some of the most important monsters in Jaden’s Deck: Yubel, Winged Kuriboh, and Elemental HERO Neos!

This official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Case is large enough to hold a Duelist’s Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck. Each Card Case is made from durable material, includes a card divider, and comes with a sturdy closure to ensure your cards, like Phantom of Yubel from Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, will stay protected inside. Keep your Deck safe and get ready to Duel!

*Product name subject to change


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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Card Case - Jaden and Yubel

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Card Case - Jaden and Yubel

This official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Case is large enough to hold a Duelist’s Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck. Each Card Case is made from durable material, includes a card divider, and comes with a sturdy closure to ensure your cards, like Phantom of Yubel from Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, will stay protected inside. Keep your Deck safe and get ready to Duel!

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