Promo ! Yu-Gi-Oh! - Structure Deck - Realm Of Light (Reprint) Agrandir l'image

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Structure Deck - Realm Of Light (Reprint)


Quelques infos

Realm of Light focuses on the Lightsworn Deck theme, which has been a very popular Deck for a number of years; reprints of Lightsworn cards have been the primary drivers for other products. Lightsworn Monsters are blessed with incredible effects, high ATK/DEF, or both; this Structure Deck comes with the most powerful of the Lightsworn forces.

Plus de détails

6 Produits

Ce produit n'est plus en stock avec ces options mais reste disponible avec d'autres options

Date de livraison prévue

  • Priority: 21.03.2025
  • Economy: 24.03.2025

CHF 7.90 TVA incl.

-CHF 3.00

CHF 10.90 TVA incl.


Fiche technique

Fabricant Konami
Famille de jeux Yu-Gi-Oh!
Type de Produit Structure Deck

En savoir plus

Realm of Light focuses on the Lightsworn Deck theme, which has been a very popular Deck for a number of years; reprints of Lightsworn cards have been the primary drivers for other products. Lightsworn Monsters are blessed with incredible effects, high ATK/DEF, or both; this Structure Deck comes with the most powerful of the Lightsworn forces.

Lightsworn have never had Extra Deck monsters before, but that all changes with the all-new Synchro Monster, Michael, the
Arch-Lightsworn, capable of banishing any enemy card while refilling your Deck and your Life Points! The Deck also includes 2 Lightsworn Tuner monsters! Finally, a vulnerability of Lightsworn Decks is finally redressed with Lightsworn Sanctuary, a world-premiere Spell Card!

The Realm of Light Structure Deck comes with a total of 41 cards:
2 Ultra Rares 2 Super Rares 37 Commons

*Name and contents subject to change.

Date de livraison prévue

Priority 21.03.2025
Economy 24.03.2025
Terms Si commandé avant aujourd'hui 16:00 heures (les commandes contenant des cartes à l'unité peuvent prendre un jour de plus).


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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Structure Deck - Realm Of Light (Reprint)

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Structure Deck - Realm Of Light (Reprint)

Realm of Light focuses on the Lightsworn Deck theme, which has been a very popular Deck for a number of years; reprints of Lightsworn cards have been the primary drivers for other products. Lightsworn Monsters are blessed with incredible effects, high ATK/DEF, or both; this Structure Deck comes with the most powerful of the Lightsworn forces.

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