Dragon Shield - Staple Playmat - Plain Black


Einige Informationen

  • Measures 610x350x2mm (24″x13 3/4″x 3/32″).
  • Coins come in Gold (rare), Silver (uncommon) and Bronze (common) and are perfect for determining order of play.
  • Combine your coin with the notches on your playmat case to easily keep track of your life total. Each coin bears a secret that will reveal more about the world of Arcania — can you figure out the hidden meaning?

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14.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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Technische Daten

Hersteller Dragon Shield
Kollection Einfarbig
Zubehörtyp Playmats

Mehr Infos

Each playmat features: – Black rubber non-skid back with stitched and rounded edges – Stable triangular carrying case – Limited Edition collectible coin.

  • Measures 610x350x2mm (24″x13 3/4″x 3/32″).
  • Coins come in Gold (rare), Silver (uncommon) and Bronze (common) and are perfect for determining order of play.
  • Combine your coin with the notches on your playmat case to easily keep track of your life total. Each coin bears a secret that will reveal more about the world of Arcania — can you figure out the hidden meaning?

All Black

‘Dicitur quod’ Nigrum, quia niger est, nigrum enim est,
semper nigrum esse nigrum.
Interdum nigrum niger est, quam aliud occaecat.
Quod fuit nigrum nigrum nigrum est, quod nigrum fuerit.
Dicit rumoribus exagitatam prima nigra, aspectu nigerrima erat,
nunc tota est nigra nigris et exclusit, et tunc nigrum:
niger est in primis diebus Arcania, occaecat roamed liber “.

Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

Priority 07.01.2025
Economy 08.01.2025
Terms Falls bis heute 16:00 Uhr bestellt (Bestellungen mit Einzelkarten können einen zusätzlichen Tag dauern).


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Dragon Shield - Staple Playmat - Plain Black

Dragon Shield - Staple Playmat - Plain Black

  • Measures 610x350x2mm (24″x13 3/4″x 3/32″).
  • Coins come in Gold (rare), Silver (uncommon) and Bronze (common) and are perfect for determining order of play.
  • Combine your coin with the notches on your playmat case to easily keep track of your life total. Each coin bears a secret that will reveal more about the world of Arcania — can you figure out the hidden meaning?

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