Dragon Shield - Cube Shell (8x) - Shadow Black


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Boost your cube with the new and improved Dragon Shield Cube Shells™. Cube Shells™ are compact, sturdy deck boxes with a secure closing mechanism. The elegant new design allows cards to slide in and out unobstructed. Cube Shells™ are ideal as booster packs for Cube drafting your favorite card games.

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8.90 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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Technische Daten

Hersteller Dragon Shield
Kollection Einfarbig
Zubehörtyp Cube Shells
Zubehörfarbe Schwarz
Produkttyp Zubehör

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Shadow Black, what lurks in the darkness.

Boost your cube with the new and improved Dragon Shield Cube Shells™. Cube Shells™ are compact, sturdy deck boxes with a secure closing mechanism. The elegant new design allows cards to slide in and out unobstructed. Cube Shells™ are ideal as booster packs for Cube drafting your favorite card games. They are also great boxes for sideboards, side decks, tokens, extra decks, or just to sort and order cards for board games. Sending multiple cards in the mail? Cube Shells™ safeguard cards during shipment. Each Cube Shell™ has a writing field on the bottom for personalization.

Cube Shells™ are compatible with Magic Carpets, Deck Shells & Double Shells. Each unit contains 8 Cube Shells™, fitting 20 single-sleeved cards, 15 double-sleeved cards, or 48 12mm D6 dice.  Not to be sold individually. Available in Ashen White, Midnight Blue, Shadow Black, Blood Red, Forest Green.

Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin

Priority 20.03.2025
Economy 21.03.2025
Terms Falls bis heute 16:00 Uhr bestellt (Bestellungen mit Einzelkarten können einen zusätzlichen Tag dauern).


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Dragon Shield - Cube Shell (8x) - Shadow Black

Dragon Shield - Cube Shell (8x) - Shadow Black

Boost your cube with the new and improved Dragon Shield Cube Shells™. Cube Shells™ are compact, sturdy deck boxes with a secure closing mechanism. The elegant new design allows cards to slide in and out unobstructed. Cube Shells™ are ideal as booster packs for Cube drafting your favorite card games.

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